Sexual Reporoductive Health & Rights (SRHR)



All individuals have a right to make decisions governing their body and to access services that support that right. AGO Pay due attention to accelerating access to SRHR information and services for young people and girls in Kenya. Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights program overall objective is to improve the SRHR of young people and girls aged 10-24 by increasing their access to comprehensive SRHR information and services through collaborative efforts. The program seeks to consolidate the gains made under Unite for body rights and Access services and knowledge programs by documenting successful project intervention models and to use the information to inform advocacy initiatives around Comprehensive sexuality education, Youth friendly services and fight against harmful cultural practices like FGM.


From our field experiences, many families fail to prepare adolescent girls to transit from childhood to adulthood. Biological and hormonal changes such as menstruation are considered to be natural occurrences, which nature takes care of. In some instances, this is related to culture and traditions; while many parents are too busy looking for livelihood. This leaves many marginalized adolescent girls helpless and depressed.

Lack of information on how to prepare for menstruation has seen many adolescent girls fail to attend school during their menses. Some lack proper concentration when they are not prepared with the correct sanitary towels, fearing the mess. In some case, girls drop out of school due to peer influence, when they are misadvised that menstruation means they are ready for marriage and to give birth. Some completely loose direction. AGO through community outreach conducts in Schools, household and community sensitization on hygiene promotion, donation of sanitary towels; and educate both adolescent girls and boys

on sex and reproductive health.


AGO places pivotal importance in having a society free of GBV and as such, AGO has a potent primary prevention arm aimed at creating awareness, facilitating behaviour change, equipping diverse stakeholders with skill, knowledge and sharing best practices in regards to Gender Based Violence Prevention and Child Protection.

Capacity enhancement programs are directed at Teachers, Parents Associations (PAs), Health care workers, Police officers, County Based GBV stakeholder mechanisms, Community Outreach Programs and School Outreaches.

Stakeholder Forums offer a platform where key partners engage in intense discussions with AGO staff and offer insight into new GBV trends, change in industry practices and strategic feedback. Such forums target the Judiciary, Community Awareness Initiatives among other stakeholders.

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