AGO recognizes that investing in young people is critical to achieving inclusive, equitable and sustainable development for present and future generations. 

We contribute to the meaningful development of young people by developing evidence-driven, innovative, sustainable and relevant programs that address practical and emerging needs of young people including unemployment and underemployment thus offering economic solutions.

We align our program to the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development and related national, regional and international frameworks, including the Africa Youth Agenda, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, and the World Program of Action for Youth and the Continental Strategy on Vocational Education and Training (TVET) among others.

In line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we strengthen existing program areas and venture into new program areas namely: productive employment and decent work; skills development (ICT and vocational); youth enterprise development, and incubation among others.

The Youth are a great resource that can present massive support for the growth of any economy. Unemployment is one of the main challenges affecting the youth in Kenya and many other developing economies hence the need to have solid realistic policies and multipronged approaches to solving this issue. At Africa Goal Organization we seek to improve youth access to a fair labour market through capacity building and training activities such as mentorship and career guidance.

Since 2011, Africa Goal Organization has managed to reach more than 4,000 young people directly through seminars on entrepreneurship and employability, more than 500 young people through BSED and Employability trainings. Overall 40% of the young people we have trained have improved their livelihoods through business start-ups and 29% through access to employment. We have worked with disadvantaged and marginalized youth in Kenya


The SACCO is a kid Savings and Credit society; it is for kids irrespective of their economic status or players. The idea of having the Society was first thought of in 2020, due to the need of having convenient, efficient and fast services. Through the assistance of kids parents, AGO office, the dream was achieved in 2021, when AGO was registered. The Sacco has seen her membership grow from 50 members in 2021 to over300 members to date. We continue to expand our operation from education loans and small scale business loans to others in future.

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